The Carnival Celebration is not just any cruise ship; it’s like a party on the seas that’s been 50 years in the making! Imagine stepping onto a ship that’s basically a love letter to Carnival Cruise Line’s wild, fun-filled journey through the decades. This isn’t just about cruising (though there’s plenty of that); it’s about taking a walk down memory lane and spotting all these cool little nods to Carnival’s history scattered around the ship. Let’s dive into some of these awesome Easter eggs you can find onboard.

Kicking It Off with the Mardi Gras Bulkhead

First up, right before you waltz into the Golden Jubilee, you’re greeted by this stunning curved glass wall, all decked out in brass and mahogany. This isn’t just any piece of decor; it’s a real slice of history from Carnival’s very first ship, the Mardi Gras. It’s like stepping through a portal to the past, right there on the Celebration.

An original glass wall from the TSS Mardi Gras on display outside Golden Jubilee on Carnival Celebration
An original glass wall from the TSS Mardi Gras on display outside Golden Jubilee on Carnival Celebration
An original glass wall from the TSS Mardi Gras on display outside Golden Jubilee on Carnival Celebration
An original glass wall from the TSS Mardi Gras on display outside Golden Jubilee on Carnival Celebration

Dialing Back with the Carnivale Engine Telegraph

Then there’s this super old-school 1955 engine order telegraph that used to help the captain chat with the engine room on the Carnivale. Now, it’s chilling outside the Golden Jubilee, looking all shiny and brass. It’s a neat piece of tech history, reminding us of how far we’ve come.

The original brass telegraph from the Carnivale on display outside the Golden Jubilee on Carnival Celebration
The original brass telegraph from the Carnivale on display outside the Golden Jubilee on Carnival Celebration

The Carnivale Nightclub Doors

Remember those swinging doors that used to let the party animals into the Mardi Gras Nightclub on the Carnivale? They’re now permanently open on the Celebration, welcoming you into the Golden Jubilee. These polished brass doors, with their cool musical instrument etchings, are like a silent invitation to keep the party going.

Carnivale nightclub doors on display in the Golden Jubilee on Carnival Celebration
Carnivale nightclub doors on display in the Golden Jubilee on Carnival Celebration
Carnivale nightclub doors on display in the Golden Jubilee on Carnival Celebration
Carnivale nightclub doors on display in the Golden Jubilee on Carnival Celebration

Flashback with Carnival Fascination Tabletops

Over in the Golden Jubilee lounge area, you’ll find these tabletops that once graced Hollywood Boulevard on the Carnival Fascination. They’re covered in signed sketches by Al Hirschfield, showing off scenes from classic American movies. It’s like a mini museum of cinema right there on the ship.

Tabletops in the Golden Jubliee lounge on Carnival Celebration
Tabletops in the Golden Jubliee lounge on Carnival Celebration

Plus, a Bunch of Other Cool Stuff

Not to forget, there are these replica chairs from the Carnivale’s Riverboat Lounge, a sculpture of Carnival’s founder Ted Arison, and even the shipbuilder plate from the original MS Celebration. Oh, and those etched glass insets and the maple leaf floor motif? They’re just icing on the cake, adding more layers to the Celebration’s story.  Check them all out in this short video:

So, What’s the Big Deal?

The Carnival Celebration is more like a floating festival of heritage and fun. It’s not just about marking 50 years of Carnival’s adventures at sea; it’s about celebrating the very spirit of what makes Carnival so special. Every corner of the ship, every little Easter egg, tells a piece of the story, from the early days right up to now.

Jumping on the Carnival Celebration is like going on a treasure hunt for bits of history, all while enjoying the best modern cruising has to offer. It’s a unique blend of nostalgia, celebration, and just pure joy. So, as you explore the ship, you’re not just on a cruise; you’re on an adventure through Carnival’s vibrant history, making your own unforgettable memories along the way.

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